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Luke 16v16:- No more Prophets after John, the Baptists but Christs, the Royal Priests - 3. Now, we have two fathers; one natural in which Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah...
Luke 16v16:- No more Prophets but the very sons of God called Christs to earn Rest - 10. "The Law and the Prophets remained until John. Since then, the good ne...
Luke 16v16:- No more Prophets of the Rabbis but Sons of the most High Allah called Royal Priests. Hi Brethren, Luke 16v16: Law and Prophets were till John, ...
Luke 16v16:- No more Prophets but the very sons of God called Christs to earn Rest - 11. Further, based upon the above three religious qualities 1. Truth, 2. C...
Luke 16v16:- No more law, Prophets or their Dog-Collared Priests but the Solitary Sons of Most High, the Virgin Brides of Jesus - 12. .3. Further degradation of...